What is this suicide? Is it really killing yourself? Is it a fashion? Or what else?
There is something behind these 7 ugly letters S U I C I D E. Suicide is not just killing yourself. It is simply you try to skip away from a challenge. Yes, that challenge is your life. You are trying to skip from your life. According to Buddhism, Lord Buddha clearly mentioned that there is a life after every life you get. This will never get over until you reach Nirvana. I'm not here to talk about Nirvana or anything. If you want to know more about Buddhism then just refer Buddhist books. There is no any true and pure religion as Buddhism in the universe. Science just proved very very small things compare to what Lord Buddha said about 2500 year ago.
Not everyone, not every living being has the luck to get a human life. Only 1% get a human life out of all the other animals and other living beings in the world. So you are trying to lose that by yourself. Please, my dear read this post carefully. You will find the real importance of your life.
Life is not just about having fun or love. There is something hidden in this life. So not everyone can see it. Because of it is hidden. If you need to see what is that you need to seek for that thing unless you will just waste your life running after unnecessary things. Stop running! just stay lil bit calm. Close your eyes for 30 sec and take a deep breath.
How do you feel? I know you feel good, right?OK, let's think about what matters to you most? what makes you kill yourself?
Is there is a boy or girl for that reason? financial problems? depression? couldn't get what you wished for? OK. Let me asked a question. Are those reasons to kill yourself? No, not at all. Those are tiny problems you get while you are growing up. Everyone gets these things, even I got these things in my life still facing for those things. But I didn't kill myself and I'll never do it. I'm staying happy.Trust me the T IM E is the solution. If you can't handle that situation just give those things time, it'll solve. Let me explain how to deal with the above situation you are going through.
Is there is boy or girl behind that reason?
"What the hell are you talking? My lover gave me a big boot. He stole my everything. Most importantly my valuable time. I gave up my everything for him. But finally, you are talking that love is beautiful. How dare you? Love is just a bullshit. I should kill myself. There is no point of living without him. I loved him so much. But he hurts me. Oh god! I cannot handle this situation" - This is what you are thinking right now?
OK, first calm down. You said that "My lover gave me a boot." If your lover gave you a boot, then wear it. It will make you look smart and beautiful.
"Oh shit! Are you kidding me?" No, I'm not kidding. Boots keep your legs more protective and add a smart look to you. Take your heart instead of legs. In here both types of boots (shoes & heartbreak up) give the same thing to you. Heartbreak up (boot) protect your heart, keep your heart safe and help you to mature to this society. And also help you to stand in every situation you will go through in your life. Or else sometimes it may helps you to shine in the society. You will cry, you will shed lots of tears but you won't shed a single tear for a fake love in the future. Because you already got the best lesson in your life. Yes, best lesson!
The boy or a girl who left you was just another person you met in your life while you are walking along this long journey. If we compare your life to a book, he is just an episode. You've read that episode very well. You understood some important points. So don't forget those points because few important points you've got will be useful to write your next episode more beautifully than the previous one.
I hope you may like to read:: Past Lives - How They Affect You Now
I hope you may like to read:: Past Lives - How They Affect You Now
I deeply believe in soulmates. No matter with whom you've made love. Your soulmate is the only person who can make you smile and keep that smile until you die. So be happy! Now you are safe, that bad luck has gone away from you. Now you have time to find your true mate according to your fate.
Financial problems?$1000?
Oh too cheap!
$10000000000000000000? very cheap man, very cheap, shame on you.
Your life has limitless PRICE. It is much more expensive than anything in this world. No one has rights to buy your life. And, even you don't have rights to sell your life.
So why the hell you just gonna kill yourself for those financial problems? You borrow some money, and you couldn't pay it back? So you gonna die for that? Oh very cheap!
"What? Are you gonna pay that money? That person from whom I've borrowed money is always after me asking his money and he keeps saying that he will throw me to the jail.....it's better to die than spend my life in the jail."
Just wait. If there is a problem, there is a solution too. Just buy a delicious cake from grocery and go to his home with a pleasant smile. Just sit down and talk calmly. And then tell him,
"I'm going through a very hard time now. So I can't pay back all of your money right now. But I don't want to lose the trust you've kept on me. So please understand my situation. I've never done such things before. But today I'm very helpless. There is no one to help me out. When I asked you about some money, you gave that to me. I really appreciate that. I know you are a good person. I know the feeling a person gets when someone borrows their money and didn't pay back. But as I said I don't have much money to pay you back. But I can pay that money every month as parts from my monthly salary."
In here I don't ask you lie. Just explain to him calmly. I'm sure he will understand and give you another chance to pay. That means he keeps trust one you again. So in this time don't lose your chance. Just be honest to him. Find a job and earn well. Then separate your earnings to different parts and give his parts every month.
apart from that thing sometimes you are running out of money in your family and you can't pay bills and you stuck everything. So in here, there are some main reasons for the lack of money. The main reason is you spend more than you earn!
apart from that thing sometimes you are running out of money in your family and you can't pay bills and you stuck everything. So in here, there are some main reasons for the lack of money. The main reason is you spend more than you earn!
Let's see,
Ex: your monthly salary - 1000$
Divide your salary into 5 parts.
1.Education - 30%
2.Bills: Electric, Phone, Internet, Water, Telephone - 20%
3.Foods - 20%
4.Clothes - 10%
5.Other - 20%
Pro tips
- Always have homemade foods - whenever you get a hungry drink a glass of water, it will help to save the money you spend on junk foods.
- Spend less time on your phone - it will save half of the money you spend on bills.
- Recycle your clothes - use DIY methods to make new clothes from old clothes.
- Keep fewer friends.
- Stay away from alcohols and smoking.
Personally, I've also gone through this stage. Lots of suicides happened due to this depression. The main reason behind this depression is loneliness. You don't have anyone to share your feelings. So in here there some ways to get yourself out of this depression.
Simply stop what you are doing now such as studying, job etc. Just go and talk to your parents that you have depression and you want to stay from those for some time.
Then pack your clothes and move to another country or a city which is very far away from your city. Make sure not to move to urban town. Just move to a village or a place having lots of cultural things. Or you can move and stay in a Buddhist temple for some time and learn Buddhism. It is the best way to fight against depression.
When you move to an unknown place you will meet lots of new people, new cultures, new foods and everything will become new. And keep this in mind, don't talk anything regard to your past life.Just stay happy! Be kind! Be helpful!
Couldn't get what you wished for?
Everyone has dreams, everyone has hopes, but not everyone is able to get exactly what they want. Sometime you might work for that thing very hard but still couldn't achieve that. So why you are worrying now? If you didn't work for it, then you must worry about that. But you've already worked for it. You've already given a try. But if there are any more chances then give it another try until you get successful. But if there is no, then choose another thing that makes you happy and works for that.
Keep in mind - not any physical thing can make you happy. Only your mindset can make you happy my dear. So keep a good and positive mindset. Everything will be alright at the end. If it is not alright, then it is not end.
Wake up early in the morning, drink a glass of fresh water, sit down on the bed and close your eyes, then meditate for few minutes. Take a diary and write your goals and make daily and effective plan to achieve your goals. When you are creating plan make sure to create alternate plan as A, B and C etc. That means if plan A didn't work out then go for plan B. If plan B also didn't work then go for plan C. If plan C also didn't work out, don't worry alphabet has a lot more letters!
I hope you may like to read:: Past Lives - How They Affect You Now
I hope you may like to read:: Past Lives - How They Affect You Now