Best Study Techniques And Tips For High School And University Students

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While you are studying you may have experienced lot of obstacles such as feel bored quickly, postponing studying to some other time, surfing social media and wasting time on Youtube or Netflix, playing games, falling sleep on the book etc.
You may have already tried out many different kind of study tips and techniques to avoid these obstacles and score high marks in your academics. But There's no any significant progress yet? 

You must first identify which type of student you are. Some can understand study materials very quickly and have a strong memory while some student take much longer time. You need to find your capacity. And most importantly you must need to stop comparing your grades with others and must focus on enhancing your grades.

There are different techniques to study that are suitable to different students. By knowing the best study technique for you will give you the best result.

There are 03 main study techniques as,
  1. Fast studying techniques
  2. Smart studying techniques
  3. Hard studying techniques

1. Fast studying technique

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Use this technique when you are close to exams. Specially when revising what you have studied so far. By using this you can refresh your memory in less time.
  • Write past and model exams questions
  • Scan studying the parts you know
  • Study fast the parts you don't know

2Smart studying technique

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Use this technique to study more with better performance so that you can save effort and time. Better to draw charts and web diagrams including different colors and pictures. That visual effects will come to your mind very quickly during exam time rather than remembering texts.
  • Write questions from other study resources
  • Ask senior students questions that are related to exams
  • Ask senior students questions related to studying resources
  • Ask senior students questions about the best studying techniques for each subject

3. Hard studying techniques

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Use this during your entire semester since the day you have started your lectures. So that you can be prepared for your exams without a rush and will remain more time to gain some extra knowledge.
  • Plan your exams, assignment and projects
  • Gain extra knowledge from internet and magazines
  • Use the college library
  • Study with your friends
  • Go lectures and stop bunking them
  • Organize your note and high light important stuff

Tips to overcome,

Feeling bored quickly
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It is totally a psychology related thing. First you must have a interest on what you are doing and keep your focus on that. However it is normal to feel boredom when you are studying a certain subject for several hours. To defeat this enemy you should study each hour a different subject and have a 10 to 20 minutes break after each hour of studying.

Wasting time of social medias and other stuff

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Before start to studying turn on you mobile phone in to "don't disturb mode" or "airplane mode", then you won't gt disturbed from any king of messages, calls or notifications. If you are using social medias too much, just simply deactivate accounts. If not you can simply uninstall the apps from your mobile phone. Or else you can replace your smartphone with a regular phone.

Postponing study and having fun

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You must have fun with your friends, but always remember that everything has a limit. So postponing something that is important important your life having fun with your friends is not a good habit at all. And also postponing what you should study today to someday is because you don't live day by day. You must have a mentality of "doing my best just for today", by having this mentality you will live one day at a time so that you do your best in the current day without being distracted about tomorrow.

Hope these techniques and tips will helpful you to achieve the success in your studies.

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