05 Best And Popular Headphone Brands In The World


Headphone is cool and precious invention of the technology. Headphones become handy and everyone around us carry a headphone. Eventually it became a necessity for all of us because it allows us to isolate ourselves from the busy hectic world and drift off into a universe of music and enjoy our favorite songs. But do you know which brand is really worth? Headphones with good quality brand always gives the best sensation of music. Go down the list to find out which headphone is the #1 in the world.

#5 JBL

JBL brand was  founded in 1946 by an American company but later it was bought by Samsung. They provide headphones that give dynamic, punchy sound and extremely comfortable to wear it. They produce very competitive wireless headphone and also in the top of the Bluetooth speaker producing market. They offer products from very low to more expensive products.

#4 Beyerdynamic
Beyerdynamic is well know brand for professional high-end headphones with great audio quaity and it was founded in 1942 in Berlin, Germany. They offer wide range of different kinds of headphones such as high fiedlity headphones, in-ear headphones, studio headphones and mobile headphones. Sound is spacious, detailed and has excellent built quality making it so comfortable to keep wearing it. And also they offer wireless headphones that gives the best sound quality.

#3 Audio-Technica


Audio-Technica was founded by Hideo Matsushita in 1962 and it is the favorite brand of DJs all around the world. The sound quality is incredibly good and it produces best wired and wireless sound quality for a headphone. Can be seen them in every major studio of the world. The Japanese company makes produce the best-sounding and extremely comfortable for long listening sessions and are well built for both professionals and consumers. And they offer a selection of  mid-range to high-end headphones. The price of Audio-Technica products are reasonably well. 

#2 Bose

This expensive brand was founded in 1964 by Amar Bose. They offer class-leading technology with a vibrant, well-balanced soundstage. Bose is highly regarded when it comes to noise-canceling headphones and it is well demonstrated by their popular QuietComfort headphones.  By applying noise cancellation on both music and phone calls. With the growth of wireless headphones, their flagship models such as the QuietComfort, SoundLink, and SoundTrue series have all gone wireless. These wireless headphones come bundled with an app which allows us to control the different settings and tweak the sound according to our preference.

#1 Sennheiser

Sennheiser headphone brand is the top most renowned and trusted headphone brand name in the music industry. Founded in 1945 by Fritz Sennheiser who is a German manufacturer of audio equipment. They keep the quality remarkably consistent from low-end headphones to high-end headphones. Sound simply superb in every way and balanced nicely. Sennheiser is majorly known for their noise-cancelling headphones, when placed these headphones on ears it will eliminate any loud background noise from the surroundings. Most of the famous musicians use this brand and have top-notch sound quality. Unfortunately these are bit expensive. But worth buying one!

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