08 Biggest Myths About Weight Loss

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Here's the set of 08 common and biggest weight loss myths you're believing.

  • Eating carbs put on weight

If you eat in the right portions with a balanced diet, you don't need to worry about it. But NOT just only carbohydrate.

  • Weight losing is a linear process

 As weight tends to fluctuate up and down by small amounts, it won't be a linear process. 

  • Starving yourself can lose weight

Biggest myth ever. But this will be ended up gain more weight than before.

  • Supplements can help you out to lose weight

Supplements can promote weight losing process but you must also follow a proper diet plan and workout schedule.

  • Fat creates those fat bellies

Fat alone doesn't cause weight gain, it depends on the total amount calories you consume.

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Photo by Brooke Lark on Unsplash

  • Skipping breakfast helps to lose weight

This is one of the biggest myth about weight loss. Breakfast is the most important meal to keep you active and maintain your overall health. So skipping you breakfast doesn't make you slim at all. Try to have lots of fruits and veggies for breakfast

  • Going gluten-free is the solution 

These foods are often lower in fibers, which will make you hungry more often and can lead to more overeating.

  • Tasty foods are not good

No! You must learn to make salads in healthy and yummy way. Then you can enjoy those natural flavors without too much of sugars, sauce and salt.

You may like to read : Correct Way To Lose 2 To 4 Pounds Per Week