Perfect Guide To Beard Transplant

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Every guy love to have a full, thick and masculine beard. Because most women find it is more attractive for men to have a fully grown beard on the face. But not all men are blessed with a full beard, most of the time it is because of genetic and other factors. So, for the guys who desperately want to impress the ladies with a nicely grown beard, beard transplant is the best option for you.

This is simply a process of taking hair from another part of your body (base of the scalp/under chin) and transplant it to your face. An average of 4,000 to 7,000 hairs can be transplanted one by one but some surgeons use two hairs per graft to give a more natural appearance to the beard.

1. You can choose the beard style that you would like to have, just like choosing a hair style at salon.
2. Guys with full and thick beard are charming, masculine and more attractive for women.
3. Minimal Pain.
4. This will probably take 5 hours, so time taken for this is less.
5. You can shave and style the beard as normal.
1. You must need to sacrifice hair from elsewhere. But the surgeon only takes every fifth hair. So while it may look slightly thinner, you won't get any visible bald patches.
2. After the transplantation,  yo'll get to experience slight swelling and redness around that area for few days.
3. Don't get freak out, but after the first transplantation process, beard will falls out in 3 weeks! But it will grow back fully during the time frame set by your doctor.
4. Surgery is quite expensive.

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Types Of Beard Transplants

There are two main beard transplantation methods as Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) and Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT).  

In FUE, the surgeon will remove individual hairs and graft them to fill up beard. There will be tiny circular scars where hair follicles were removed. This can be done in both manually and by using mechanical aids. This method has quite faster recovery time.

In FUT, surgeon takes a strip of tissue from another area and transplants the hairs on it. This leaves a long but very fine scar, however it gives a fuller beard as more hairs are transplanted overall. This takes slightly longer time to perform and recovery.
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Your doctor will advice you few precautions before the surgery.
Some precautions are;

  • Should not take any medication that contains aspirin for 10 days before the transplant.
  • Should not take anti-inflammatory medications.
  • Should not consume alcohol for 03 days before the transplantation.

There are side effects from any kind of artificial thing you do to your body. So, some beard transplant has side effects which are not too serious.
Some of them are:

  • Mild bruising
  • Redness
  • Swelling
  • Ingrown hair
  • Sensitivity at the donor and recipient sites
Pro tips:

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  • There will be small crusts around the newly-transplanted hairs and if they lasts longer than a week, you should take advice from your surgeon. Surgeons may advise not to wash your face until the crusts have fallen off.
  • You might also get an antibiotic ointment to apply which is prescribed by your surgeon. 
  • You might experience little pain during recovery time.
  • You can typically start shaving again a week to 10 days after the transplant.
  • In very rare cases, the first hair graft won’t “take” and a second transplant may be needed.
  • Taking a vitamin C tablet once a day for a full week before the transplant will aid the healing process.

You may like to read : How To Get A Thick And Full Beard