Don't tell me you haven't tried out this trending sip of creamy Dalgona coffee yet! This cup of coffee has been viral lately with the quarantine period all over the world. It has been taking over social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook and TikTok. You can easily make this with just by only using 03 ingredients. But here we are going to add some extra ingredient to level up the flavor of this yummiest drink.
- 2 tablespoons Instant coffee
- 2 tablespoons Hot water
- 2 tablespoons Sugar
- 1 cocoa powder
- 1/2 cup Milk of your choice (cold or hot)
- few Ice cubes (for cold coffee)
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2. Using a mixer whisk until you get a thick cream.
3. The add cocoa powder and keep whisking until cocoa combined with the thick coffee cream.
3. Now fill about 3/4 of a glass or mug with cold or warm milk.
4. Then add ice cubes. (Skip this part if you are making hot coffee).
5. Place few spoonful of prepared whipped coffee on the top of the glass of milk. Now garnish the top with some cocoa powder or grated chocolates.
Mix well before you drink!
★ To whisk, you can use a hand whisk, electric mixture if you want to prepare quickly, fork, spoon or a milk frother.
★ Sugar replacement? If you want to get that nice fluffier look, you need to use some sugar! But if you don't consume sugar, you can add honey for the sweetness.
★ You can use any kind of milk. It doesn't matter whether you use dairy or plant based milk.
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